
Tag Archives: drawing

New life drawing classes are starting this Friday at Art in the Park. Taught by the talented Simon Veis, these drop-in classes run from 7pm – 9pm every Friday evening. With varied models and a variety of poses from 2 hours to 1 minute this is a great general class.

For more details about the class, please click here.

#drawingoftheweek is a personal project; I have been doing from the start of the year.
In the last few years I have being drawing in small sketch books or journals as I travel all over London, it’s a way for me to focus /mediate as I travel on London transport or often waiting for London transport.

The rules I set for this project are:
•    Post a drawing from that week’s set of drawing as part of #drawingoftheweek on twitter on Sunday or Monday.
•    When I start a drawing I must finish it, and only then it can be dated.
•    To record where the drawing was started and finished, i.e. on bus 321, train from Charing Cross or studio workbench.
•    I start each drawing the same way, I start by trying to blank out everything around me and see what marks are first to be made.
•    I never have any preset ideas how to finish a drawing; just keep drawing, until I think it finished.
•    Post one drawing every week of the year.

I find as I look back over the last 21 posted drawing, it’s like looking at my diary, I start to remember, things I was working on at the studio, people on the bus, long wet journeys’ home in winter, etc.

Have a look out for more #drawingoftheweek by following@wmhudsonarton twitter.

We had such a wonderful day on Sunday at our Art Extravaganza. As part of The Big Draw and Flock Project over 100 people visited Art in the Park to support the national campaign for drawing and explore the theme of migration. Visitors were invited to produce their own unique works of art on two of Bill Hudson’s fantastic paint machines and learn to throw a pot on the wheel in our pottery workshop.

Taking inspiration from the birds found in Burgess Park – pigeons, crows, herons, swans, woodpeckers and more! – visitors drew and cut out a silhouette of a bird of their choice. They then had the chance to paint it using one of the paint machines – either squirting paint at it from a distance, or operating a paintbrush held on the end of a 6 foot arm using pulleys and levers! Great fun!

The lovely Leyla, Art in the Park’s resident ceramicist, was also running a free workshop where people could learn to throw a pot on the wheel, and then decorate it with marks and stamps.

It was a great day and so many beautiful pots and colourful birds were made. The birds have been fixed to postcards and sent on a flight to the Ullapool, before they continue their migration to the Outer Hebrides!

More photos of the event to follow….!

This is part two of a series of sculptural drawings, as promised a few weeks ago.

I am still in the process of tidying up, sorting out files at the studio and home and I keep coming across portfolios of art, mostly drawings. A lot of these are getting recycled in the paper bin, others are filed away again in sets. Few are looked at more in-depth and this set is one of these.

All these drawings are from 2002 and cover a 6 month period during the time when there were a few commissions I was applying for. I was just getting ideas down as fast as I could so some have been worked on and developed and  some have a particular site in mind.

When I start to make a sculpture, the drawings are put aside and are very rarely looked at. I need to start thinking in the round/3D and not in 2D as the drawings are.

Look out from my next set of drawings in a few weeks.

For more of my work go to

This is part one of a series of drawings of sculptures yet to be made…

All sculptors have different ways of working, I tend to do lots of drawing. The process of drawing inspire me and eventually lead onto the final design for my sculptures.

Other drawings like the sketches here just go into a pile, the ones below is the ‘like’ pile.

These drawings of mine were sketched between 1997-2004, here is a set of 10 that seems to work well together.

Look out for the next set of sculptural drawings in a few weeks time.

For more of my work, go to or to see my community work, got to my artist’s corner on Art in the Park.

Over the holiday period, my partner and I went to visit her parents at their home in Galicia near La Coruńa in Spain. When it was New year’s eve, we followed a very old Spanish tradition by eating twelve grapes, one for each of the last twelve chimes of 2010 to bring you luck in 2011.

There was the procession of the three Kings in town on the 5th January (or here we know them as the three wise men), from their floats the three Kings threw sweets at the gathered crowd.

On the 6th January with it being King’s Day, we bought and ate some Roscón, which is a sweet, ring-shaped bread/ pastry covered in glacier cherries and sugar. A plastic toy is hidden inside once it’s made, whoever finds the toy gets good luck for the next year or you may find a bean and have to pay for the meal (not so lucky).

Some towns have major competitions involving Roscón to see who can make the largest ones.

In between all of these festivities, I had some time to do some drawing on the kitchen table.

More of my work on